Thursday 10 September 2015

Times They Are A Changing

In April this year Josh Groban released an album called Stages. Comprising of covers of songs from various musicals the entire album is available for listening on Youtube with many extra videos on his  Youtube page. Why on earth would an artist upload so much content for essentially 'free' listening. Is it an acknowledgment that piracy is rampant? Is he feeling generous? Or is it the realisation that the music industry has changed-that great concerts and performances are the best way for a musician to make money now and that promoting content heightens audience anticipation and reach. That social media connects him directly to fans and that a captive fan base who love his work is a group of consumers ready to be reaped?

Whatever the true cause, the reality is that the music industry changed with the advent of the internet and social media. Artists have been forced to respond. What has shifted in your industry and what do you need to change in order to survive, be competitive, and shine.

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