Tuesday, 5 February 2013

The News : Richard the Who

Do you suffer from news addiction? Checking Google News or Yahoo's main page every hour (at least). Keeping the news channels on permanently in the background. Panicking about the slightest change in policy. I can sympathize, I used to be there.

This week in the UK news the world of British archaeology raged about the discovery of Richard III's body and confirmation that it was him. Great detective work and a well executed plan to discover it (seriously they planned the whole thing and succeeded..that's impressive). BUT WHO CARES! Really, a tainted history portrays him as a throne stealing king whose greatest feat seems to be being the last king to die in battle on British soil. It may be news, but my life will go on regardless. I am none the richer for the discovery (then again I'm not really British now am I).

Make news that matters. What matters in the lives of your clients and customers? What can you do that will bring them real, positive emotion and enrich their day. That is the newsworthy you should be aiming for. The therapist that spends an extra uncharged 15 minutes with their client because they will benefit from it, the cashier who smiles at each customer and suggests options for them to buy the next time, the lawyer who delivers a manifest containing some of his best work early. Creating art. Going the extra mile. Making news. You may not get on CNN with it, but you can get some great word of mouth.

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