Tuesday 18 August 2015

Why Wait Till Things are Better?

I don't think I could say it much clearer myself. Seth Godin's post on starting out with the values, style and commitment at the beginning of a project rather than waiting till 'later' has a lot in it that Zimbabweans (and the rest of the world) could apply. If we did we may have a better country.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

The Offer You Can't Refuse

Check out this post on Emerging Ideas ;they encapsulate the idea of an 'offer you can't refuse' so well..
I have huge admiration for The Godfather; the characters, the music, and the screenplay are the stuff of legends.  We could all learn to make better offers.

Thursday 6 August 2015

Becoming an Icon

Michelangelo's David is a masterpiece. It has become synonymous with the word sculpture. What would it take for your name to become synonymous with your field or area of expertise? When people talk about your craft, or your type of product does your name come top of that list? What steps can you take to do work that is so remarkable that it becomes the benchmark of your industry?

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Preempting the Response

Every now and again disaster will strike. A key player in your team falls ill suddenly, the rules in business change due to a court ruling, something drastic happens that you could not prevent. You can train the response in advance, making it part of your culture, pre-empting the more common things like a sick-day. A swift, appropriate response mitigates much of the disaster.