Friday 24 February 2017

Stepping Out when There is No One Listening

It is easy to write when you have a deadline to make.
It is easy to cram ideas into a document when there is a guaranteed audience to read it.
Often when we start there is no guarantee of an audience, no fixed chance of someone taking the time to listen to what we say.
Doubt pervades us; ‘what if no one buys our product’, ‘what if people don’t like me’.
So we shrink back to the safer zone of doing nothing, or working for someone else and stifling our gift.
Sharing your ideas comes with risk. Yes you can mitigate some of it by clever planning and marketing but the risk that comes with being open and baring your creation cannot be downplayed and written under.
At some point you have to step out in faith.

(PS for those who may have noticed the hiatus I lost a regular column deadline, the psychology of the process and its effect on my writing has been interesting.)